Mini Plus Storage

Corner E. Lake & Cleary Rd.
2.8 Miles South of Rte 15

(585) 346-6248

24 Hr. Access
We rent 7 days a week.

8 Buildings
275 well maintained units small and large   
1 hour (drywalled) fire rated walls and ceilings
Store your furniture, boats, vehicle, motorcycle and any other collectibles you might want to save

Family Owned and Operated

8 X 10 –$100.00
8 X 11 –$105.00
8 X 12 –$110.00
10 X 10 –$120.00
10 X 16 –$150.00
10 X 17 –$155.00
12 X 14 –$150.00
12 X 16 –$160.00
12 X 18 –$170.00
10 X 23 –$180.00
10 X 25 –$185.00
10 X 26 –$185.00
12 X 25 –$190.00
12 X 26 –$190.00
12 X 30 –$250.00